Most of us know someone who has hired a doula for support during childbirth, but did you know that there are postpartum doulas who specifically assist during the newborn stage? They can be an unparalleled means of support and comfort for new moms, both physically and emotionally. In fact, moms who work with doulas often report lower incidences of postpartum depression, higher self-esteem, improved mother-infant interaction and a better chance of breastfeeding success. To learn more about the benefits, we’ve spoken to Park Slope resident and mom of 2, Mika Kleban, a doula servicing new moms in the neighborhood.
SSP: Many of us, myself included, have never worked with a doula before. Can you tell us what your key role is in a new mother’s life? What do you think is the most critical benefit of hiring a doula? Having a baby is one of the most profound life events there is. Having support can make an enormous difference in the way families experience labor, delivery and the early days with a new baby. When extended family members aren't available or they are not the right fit to lend this support, doulas can fill this need beautifully. I look to support not only the mother, but the partner too. The whole family unit is going through this together. Meeting with mother and partner (if applicable) prior to delivery can, in of itself, help the parent to feel aware and more in control of what their future will hold. Whether they are seeking support with their labor, postpartum care - or both - they are proactively taking care of themselves and their families needs. The greatest benefits a doula can provide to each family varies depending on their individual needs. In the postpartum realm, for one family it may be support with breastfeeding and aiding in the mothers self care. For another, the guidance on how to care for the new baby or providing emotional support may be paramount. From keeping the dirty dishes at bay to being a source of information and comfort... the benefits are abound! SSP: What led you to become a doula? Did your own experience inspire you down this path? A long while back I was thrust into a situation where I helped a friend give birth to her baby in an intense and challenging delivery. I left that experience feeling in my element and inspired and I was interested in helping birthing families ever since. Fast forward 6 or so years and I had my first daughter and it only solidified my desire to be a support to families in the birthing world. SSP: Understanding that lack of sleep and lack of support are major contributors to postpartum depression, I would think a doula can aid greatly in this respect. How do you see your work and contributions in a new mother’s life combat PPD? Not only does having the support of a postpartum doula help new parents to have a healthier and happier adjustment to life with their new baby, but it can also play the important role of identifying postpartum depression in a new parent. Many hands make for light work and they definitely help to get parents better sleep, well fed and cared for. I approach my work with families with the intention of supporting them towards the goal of leaving them healed, happy, educated, strong and self sufficient. SSP: How would you describe your doula style? I would say that I am intuitive with my care. I try to anticipate the needs of my clients. Often new parents aren't sure of exactly what they need or want and that can cause anxiety. I am there as your ally in whatever way you need. I believe that keeping a sense of humor going here and there goes a long way too. SSP: Has there been one experience you’ve experienced as a doula that you think is very meaningful, and would like to share with us? Many of my experiences are very dear to me and that is what I cherish about my work. The most rewarding and special experiences for me are definitely those where I have been able to help a new parent out of a very fearful and anxious place and restore their sense of being in control. There is one mom in particular that stands out, but I have had the chance to be there for parents in this way multiple times and I am grateful for that. A recent client of Mika’s had this to say about her experience: “After the birth of my first child, Mika was like a fairy godmother. She was endlessly kind, optimistic, and calming, exceptionally reliable and supportive, and could somehow predict what I needed before I knew I needed it. Despite frigid winter storms, she always arrived on time and was available to answer questions - no matter how small - any time of day. She brought warmth and happiness into our home each time she arrived, and was as essential to my physical recovery from childbirth as to my mental and emotional recovery. Mika wasn't just there for me or my baby, but also essential to giving my husband support as a new father. As first-time parents, we were often unsure or overwhelmed with our newborn, but she consistently lifted us up, and reminded us to trust our instincts. No task was too small for Mika - she would fold laundry, pick-up groceries, and make me (delicious!) breakfasts, as well as give exceptional care to our son while I napped or simply needed a break. She was also there for me while I struggled with the stress and sadness that accompanied breastfeeding difficulties, a part of motherhood I was not prepared for. I wish every mother had the support that Mika gave me and my family. I recommend her with my full heart and highest compliments”. To contact Mika Kleban, please reach out to [email protected] and we will share her details.
Jen Valu